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Long story short, at a time when so many that I can get the results first Google AdSense account for the full version of that prime time.
Suggested List Google AdSense let's easy On Accept :
Well now it's time for listening to tips and secrets buried signed up for Google AdSense easily. Below I sort by the most absolute factor.
- Read the event Google AdSense policies
The most absolute prime elements that need my friend who is reading and studying implement policies show Google AdSense. Subject is not helpful just diwaktukita register it, but also when we already have the Google AdSense account. Click Here For Reading AdSense Events Policy.
- Create quality content
Content issues that factors that often so the argument why we rejected the blog Google AdSense. I actually like what is quality content that is unique, useful, long, or in what way? Maybe a lot of buddies who feel has created quality content but is still only at the starting Adsense.
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Well here I want to give a little guide to creating content that suitable for applying to Google AdSense:
Completeness of content , Factors that need to be considered a problem actually is not content on the topic, uniqueness, benefits, and the number of characters. 5 posts to blogs two of them namely rewrite result, very, very short and did not qualify Copyscape.
Factors that need to be considered according to me is the completeness konten.Kelengkapan content of interest here is that I like the pictures supporter, video, audio or any let content on your blog actually looks grade though not at all provide benefits for the visitor.
- Completeness blog
If the above there is completeness of the content, so the guide after it is complete blog blog so we do not look like a random blog that intentionally utkmendaftar to Google AdSense.
Completeness couple of blogs that I purpose here is:
- Navigation supporters - Make sure your blog has a supporter pages like Contacts I, Privacy Policy, etc. I myself just create two pages that contact I & Privacy Policy.
- Menu navigation - Slightly guidelines when installing the navigation menu, do not try to put a link that leads to a page or type label, but the link that leads to postingandengan way immediately.
- Widgets - So Many widgets that should be installed are: Popular Posts / Recent Post, Archive, Category / Label, Google Plus profile.
- Links to the outside - Links to the outside anyway primary passable so we look more alamai blog. Try to create a link to install blogs that discuss the same topic together with our blog.
- Visitor - Create a buddy may end a little problem to ignore. As I have I mentioned at the beginning, blogs that I have just registered visitor 50 / day. Not Cumaitu, passable not a few bloggers who blog on Google AdSense received not the visitor has an altogether.
- Template
Try to use a template or theme that is simple, bright and tidy. buying theme premium or free its up to you !
Now may be just that much just so many hints that I would give myself Based on the experience which has been repeatedly rejected AdSense.
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